I’m Deivy Vega,
a Full Stack Software Engineer.

Coding isn’t just what i do; it’s been my livelihood for six years and my craft for as long as I can remember. Quick Hit Facts: I love cooking, playing piano, and my lovely fiancé. I was born in New York, US, and raised in Puerto Rico. I’m known to be very competitive, try me in chess. A game of chess was actually the first thing I programmed.

Fast-forward from that game of chess, I have been leading software development and implementing automation solutions for the US DOD for the past 5 years. My contributions have incremented infrastructure deployment efficiency by 70%.

By night, my fiancé and I run an animation and web development studio. We nerd out and ocassionally debate over on UI/UX crossovers between her advertisement backround and my engineering knowledge. For those projects I mostly use VueJS/JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Django/Python, MySQL or PostgreSQL for data storage and retrieval, and GitLab/GitHub for code repository and CICD. To find out what other skills I have check out that experience tab above.

For every team I have joined, I prioritized leadership and learning. Being a good mentor and volunteering to teach and train new hires is one of my favorite things to do. My goal over the next few years is to dive deeper into the latest tech, especially AI application development.

For more information about my background and qualifications, pop on over to my experience tab.